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Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Social Hub

3 mins read

Creating a Social Hub within BrainCert's Community feature allows you to facilitate engagement and interaction among learners. Follow these step-by-step instructions to set up your Social Hub.

Enabling the Social Hub

Step 1:

Go to ' Global Settings' and open ' Extensions'.

Step 2:

Next, enable ' Social Hub' and ' Save' the changes.

Creating a Social Hub

Step 1:

Log in to your BrainCert account, navigate to ' Community,' and click ' Social Hub.'

Step 2:

Click on the ' Create Hub' button.

Step 3:

Create the Social Hub by adding a hub name and description, and uploading the icon and cover images.

Hub Name: Enter a name for your Social Hub that reflects its purpose or community focus.

Hub Description: Provide a brief description of the Social Hub to inform users about its purpose and what they can expect.

Upload Icon: Click on the ' Upload Icon' button to select and upload an icon representing your Social Hub.

Upload Cover: Click on the ' Upload Cover' button to select and upload a cover image for your Social Hub. This image will be displayed as the header of your hub.

Step 4:

Configure access management, select either Private or Public and click on the ' Save' button to create your Social Hub.


Select Access Management: Choose the access level for your Social Hub. This determines who can join and participate in the hub.

Private: Select private if you want the hub to be accessible only to invited members.

Public: Select public if you want the hub to be open for anyone to join.

Learner Dashboard

In the Social Hub section, learners will see all the public hubs. Learners can access all the hub's features by clicking on the ' Join Hub' button.

After joining, learners can view all posts or share their own within the hub.

Posts - These posts may include announcements, discussions, and shared resources.

About - This area provides a description of the hub and any additional information provided by the hub's administrators.

Members - Learners can see a list of all members who have joined the hub.

By following these steps, you can create a Social Hub within BrainCert's Community, enhancing interaction and engagement among your learners. 
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