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Setting up Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) on your LMS

3 mins read

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provides an additional layer of security by requiring users to verify their identity through two or more methods of authentication before accessing their accounts. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up MFA on your LMS, ensuring that your sensitive information and resources remain protected from unauthorized access. By implementing MFA, you enhance the security of your LMS, safeguard student data, and promote a safe learning environment for all users.

Step 1:

Login to the training Platform, Click on Profile Avatar in the top right corner, and Select 'Account Details' from the dropdown menu.

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Step 2:

The 'My Profile' page displays, Navigate to 'MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) next to 'User Details'.

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Step 3:

  1. Scan the 'QR Code' with Your Authenticator App like Google Authenticator, Authy, Microsoft Authenticator and more.
  • Enter Code that Generated in Authenticator App in the specified box.
  • Enter Password that already used in your LMS Login Credentials in the required Area.

      2. After Inserted the Code and Password, Click 'Enable MFA'.

These Multi-Factor Authentication Feature accessible for Super Admin, Teacher, Learner and Custom Users.

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Step 4:

To Disable the Muti-Factor Authentication on your LMS. Enter your LMS Login Password and Click 'Disable MFA'.

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Step 5:

  1. In the 'People', Click Dropdown and select 'Users'.
  2. Choose any user, We Selected one Learner and Click the User Name.

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Step 6:

As a Super Admin you can enable the Multi-Factor Authentication to your Learners. Then User Detailed Dashboard appears, On User type "Enable MFA" by clicking the toggle bar. If you need to Disable MFA, Click Toggle to Off.

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Step 7:

This MFA Feature appear While Login to your training platform, Enter Code that generated in the Authenticator App. Click 'Confirm' to Logged In.

By setting up Multi-Factor Authentication, you significantly enhance the security of your account by adding an additional layer of protection. Always ensure that your MFA settings are kept up to date, and regularly review your backup options to avoid losing access

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