How to Launch Webinar in Your Meeting Rooms
In this Article, Webinars offer a powerful platform for interactive online sessions, with features like Users List, Chat Panel, Screen Sharing, Polls, Recording and more to facilitate communication. Additional tools such as Whiteboard, RTMP/WHIP Broadcasting, and video quality settings enhance content delivery and engagement. Features like Choose Languages and Manage Waiting Rooms ensure a smooth, personalized experience for all participants.
Step 1:
Login to BrainCert Account, Navigate to 'Meeting Rooms'.
Step 2:
Then Meeting Rooms Dashboard Displays, Click 'Webinars'.
Step 3:
Click 'Create Webinar' in front of search engine.
Step 4:
Insert 'Webinar Name' in the designated box.
Step 5:
Go to 'Datacenter Region', Click dropdown and Select the Datacenter Region to host your Webinar.
Step 6:
In the 'Webinar domain', Click dropdown and Select the existing domain as shown.
Step 7:
Enable 'Waiting Room' for attendees, before the webinar Starts, allowing the host to admit participants when ready.
Step 8:
Then Waiting Room Page appears. Participants wait until a moderator will approve.
Step 9:
Enter 'Description' in the desired box and use following elements to Customize HTML, Format, Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, Lists and Links. Then, Click 'Create Webinar'.
Step 10:
Your Webinars were successfully created.
- On the Table, Shows Webinar Name.
- Below Status that Indicates 'Active/Inactive' Sessions.
- Created Date of the Webinar.
- Click 'Join Link' that popup two Links that Invite Guest to this broadcast.
- Link 1: You can have up to 10 co-hosts at once.
- Link 2: You can have up to 15 webinar participants.
Step 11:
- To Change the webinar name and description, click 'Edit'.
- To delete the existing webinar Click 'Remove'.
- To Host your created webinar select 'Go Live'.
- Click 'Reports' to view the data of Learners.
Step 12:
Here is the Report of Participants. It Includes class duration, Time in, Time Out and User Type.
Step 13:
Choose any one Option would like to Join the webinar.
- Microphone: Allow Microphone while starting a webinar.
- Listen Only: Disallow the Audio while Webinar Starts.
Step 14:
Click 'User's List' at bottom of the webinar.
- View Participants list in the left sidebar.
- Click 'More' Option to request the users to share Microphone, Webcam, Send Private Chat, give access as presenter, Lock Microphone/webcam/screen sharing/whiteboard/chat/send chat message and Remove Participants separately.
Step 15:
- Select 'Enable Microphone' under the Participant's List to speak in the session.
- Select 'Start Webcam' to enable Camera in your system that presents to all participants.
- Click Dropdown in the Specified box and select the default image to change your background view.
- Click on 'Upload background image' to choose the required image from your File Folder. Then, Click 'Share'.
Step 16:
- Navigate to 'Polls', Select 'Create new poll'. Then, Polls Creation Popup Appears.
- Enter Question and their Option in the desired box.
- Select 'Add more option' to Insert more Choices in the poll.
- By Clicking 'Trash Icon' to delete your Options.
- Click 'Create Poll' to Publish Your Poll to All Participants.
Step 17:
Select 'View Details' to Overview the poll information. Click the Dropdown to Preview Participants Response. Then, Choose 'End Poll' to close.
Step 18:
Select 'Chat Panel' on bottom of the Session.
- On Right Side bar, Click the Drop Arrow to Shows the Public Chat for sending Messages to all participants.
- Next to 'Public Chat' displays the Participants name to send in a Private Message.
Step 19:
Select 'Start Screen Sharing' option to share your Screen to all participants. Then popup will appear, Choose your preferred Tab to Present and Click 'Share'.
Step 20:
Click 'Raise Hand' feature to share their Opinions (or) answers to the presenter. The Icon displays in the Left Sidebar that views to all Participants.
Step 21:
Select 'Show Whiteboard' Option to Present the Learning Materials to all participants.
- Select 'Lock Icon' to Pause the elements in the whiteboard and use 'Hand Panning Tool' to pick any elements to move.
- Choosing the option(2) Shaping tools helps to Select the Elements, Shape rectangle, Diamond, Ellipse, Arrow, Line, Draw, Text and Erase.
- On the right sidebar, Customize elements using features like Stroke, Background, Fill, Stroke width, Stroke style, Sloppiness, Edges, Opacity and Layers.
- Click Option(4) to Laser Point in the whiteboard.
Select 'More Elements' to see Four additional Features.
Step 22:
- Select 'Frame Tool' to Frame the Presentation and Shaping Tools.
- Click 'Web Embed' Option to embed Videos, documents and other interactive Elements.
- Navigate to 'Mermaid to Excellence'
Step 23:
Basic Example Mermaid Syntax for a flowchart:
Common Mermaid Syntax:
- Flowchart:
graph TD
(Top to Down),graph LR
(Left to Right) - Sequence Diagram:
- Gantt Chart:
Currently only Flowcharts and Sequence Diagrams are supported. The other types will be rendered as image in Excalidraw.
Insert the 'Mermaid Syntax' in the provided text box that Excalidraw will automatically render the diagram in Preview on the Right Side Column. Then, click 'Insert'.
Step 24:
Click Image, Files Button to upload Pictures, Videos to present participants. Select 'Library' which is divided into two, Personal and Excalidraw Libraries. Choose the uploaded Excalidraw diagrams (or) Browse from libraries.
Step 25:
Select 'Recording' Icon to start record the webinar. Then popup appears, that displays:
- By Enable 'Local Recording' to record the webinar and stored in your Device storage.
- By Enable 'Cloud Recording' that store data in the cloud Storage.
Then, Click 'Start Recording'.
Step 26:
Click 'Options' Icon that popup the Following Features:
- Enable 'RTMP broadcasting'.
- Click 'Mute all users' that reflects in the Participants List.
- Enable 'Room Lock Settings'
Step 27:
Click the Dropdown to select Provider and Insert stream Key/Secret Key. Then, Click 'Start Broadcasting'.
Step 28:
Click the 'More' option on top right next to Volume Icon.
In 'Application Settings', Click Dropdown in the Language Section and Select Your preferred Language.
Toggle the Option to enable dark theme for your Webinar.
Click the Following Dropdown to change the Video Object Fit, Column Camera Width, Column Camera Position.
Step 29:
In the 'Data Savings', Click Dropdown option to choose the video quality and Toggle to enable webcams and Screen Sharing.
Step 30:
Go to 'Ingress', Select 'RTMP' (OR) 'WHIP' and enter name in the Provided Area. Then, Click 'Generate link'.
Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)
- RTMP is a widely used streaming protocol for live video and audio transmission. It was originally developed by Adobe for Flash Player, but it remains popular for live streaming to platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and webinar services.
- RTMP is often used to push video content from a webcam or other video source to a webinar platform. It allows for smooth, real-time communication, which is crucial for webinars with video streams.
WebRTC HTTP Ingestion Protocol (WHIP)
- WHIP is a newer protocol designed for low-latency, real-time streaming over the web, utilizing WebRTC. It enables fast, direct ingestion of live video streams into services that support WebRTC-based streaming.
- WHIP is becoming a popular alternative to RTMP due to its reduced latency, making it ideal for webinars where real-time interaction is critical, such as for high-quality, interactive video streams.
Step 31:
Click 'More' Option, to see the Extra Options in the Webinar.
- Select 'Keyboard Shortcuts' to view all the given Shortcut Keys.
- Click Logout to Leave from this Session.
- Click 'End' option to Exit the Presented Session. By Selecting this, all Users will be disconnected.
Creating a webinar in your meeting rooms is a simple yet effective way to engage with your audience through interactive online sessions. By following the outlined steps, you can leverage various tools to enhance communication and deliver valuable content. With the right preparation and features, your webinars can significantly enrich participants' experiences.