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Customizing User Access and Roles in BrainCert 2.0

3 mins read

In BrainCert 2.0, user permissions are managed through a robust and flexible Roles system. This system allows for precise control over what users can access and do within the platform. Below are detailed tables and explanations of the default permissions, role customizations, and access rights for different user types.

Default User Permissions

The following table outlines the default permissions for each user type:

User TypeDefault PermissionsCustomizable via RolesAccess to ContentNotes
Super AdminFull AccessYesAccess to all contentCan remove or restrict permissions.
TeacherFull Access except Global Settings, Users, Groups, RolesYesFull access by default; can be restrictedDefault full access with specific exceptions. Customizable via Roles.
Custom UserNone (by default)YesBased on assigned privilegesPrivileges need to be explicitly given.
LearnerAccess to assigned contentNoVia group assignments or purchasesRoles do not apply; access is predefined.

Super Admins have unrestricted access, while Teachers enjoy broad access with the ability to customize via Roles. Custom Users start with no default permissions, requiring explicit privileges, and Learners have access defined by assignments and purchases.

Marketplace Access (Catalog)

User access to marketplace offerings, including courses, assessments, bundles, products, and live classes, is determined by user type and whether the content is free or paid.

User TypeAccess to Free Catalog ContentAccess to Paid Catalog ContentFull Access to Own ContentAccess via Roles Customization
Super AdminYesYes (without purchase)YesFull access; cannot be restricted via Roles.
TeacherYesYes (without purchase)YesCan view all courses; full access to own content without enrolling. Restricted access possible via Roles.
LearnerYesRequires purchaseN/ANot applicable; access based on purchases and assignments.
Custom UserYes (if granted)Requires purchase (if not granted full access)No (unless given full access)Can have full access to all courses if granted; restricted access to own content only, if set.

Super Admins and Teachers have full access to all marketplace content, with the capability for Teachers to have their access tailored. Learners and Custom Users have access to free content and must purchase paid content unless granted full access through Roles.

Notes on Access and Customization

  • Super Admins: They have the ability to manage the platform without any restrictions. Their access cannot be limited through Roles.
  • Teachers: They generally have access to all content except for sensitive global settings and user management sections. Their roles can be customized to restrict access to only their content if needed.
  • Learners: Their access is straightforward – they can view what they are assigned or what they purchase, with no role customization applicable.
  • Custom Users: They need to be assigned privileges explicitly. They can be given access as broad as that of a Super Admin or as limited as necessary for their function.

By understanding and utilizing these permissions and role-based access controls, administrators can effectively manage the BrainCert 2.0 platform, ensuring that each user has the right level of access and capability.

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