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A Guide to Catalog Settings

2 mins read

This article provides guidance on how to customize your online learning environment by changing its appearance, adjusting learner details, and adding features for logged-in users.


Step 1:

Open 'Catalog Settings' under the 'Global Settings'.

Step 2:

You can choose to enable or disable what logged-in users and guest users can see.

2.pngLogged-in users: Enable preferred catalogs for logged-in users.

Guest user: Enable preferred catalogs for Guest users.

Catalog display style: Choose the catalog display style between basic and advanced.

Learner count details: Choose to hide learner count and test attempt for learners.

Mark as learned: Choose where the 'Mark as learned' option can be displayed.

Menu Settings: The titles under the menu can be edited, and the respective redirecting URL links can be added to them.

Step 3:

Type the 'Footer Copy Right  Content'.

Footer copyright content: Footer copyright content typically consists of legal information, such as the copyright symbol (©), the copyright holder's name, and the year of publication, which is placed at the bottom of a webpage or document to indicate copyright ownership.
Configure the 'Footer Navigation.'

  • To add new footers, use the 'Add New' option.
  • Upload the logo and favicon, then click 'Save' to apply the changes.
  • Don't forget to click the 'Save' icon at the end to save all your modifications.
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