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Setting Up Your LMS: A Guide to Basic Configuration

2 mins read

Explore the 'Basic Settings' to customize the functionalities of your website, landing page, virtual classroom, and student dashboard to your specific preferences and requirements. This versatile feature lets you fully customize and fine-tune your online platform to meet your unique needs.

Basic Settings

Open 'Global Settings' from the left menu bar and click on 'Basic Settings' to customize your platform. 

Website Settings

'Website Settings' allows you to customize the appearance of your site.

Enter the 'Site Name' and provide a description for your site. Upload the 'Logo' and 'Favicon', then select your preferred 'Time Zone.'

Remember to click 'Save' before proceeding to the next setting.

Favicon: A favicon is a tiny icon displayed in a web browser's tab or bookmark list, serving as a visual identifier for a specific website.

Landing Page

You can set a default Landing Page for your site under this setting. Refer to the KB Article 'Custom Landing Page' to set up your page.

Virtual Classroom

Upload the 'Virtual Classroom Logo' and provide the 'Virtual Classroom redirect URL'.


Student Dashboard

Customize the content displayed on the 'Student Dashboard' by simply toggling the corresponding settings. Refer to the KB article Student Dashboard.

Redirect URL

 This setting helps you redirect your users to a custom URL after they log out from your training platform. Refer to the KB article 'Redirect  URL'. 

Hope this article has helped you set up all the Basic Settings.
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