How to Organize Documents in Folders in the Content Library
Step 1:
Log in to the Unified Training Platform and navigate to 'Contents' under 'Products' as shown in the image.
Now, click on 'Create Folder'.
Step 2:
Step 3:
Once you have created the required number of folders move on to adding content to the library, by navigating to 'Upload Content'.
Step 4:
Click on 'Select files to upload' and choose the file that you need to upload.
You can choose to upload files from your computer or from the cloud.
After selecting the file, click on 'Upload'.
Step 5:
Once you select Upload, you will be redirected to a page where you have to type a 'Title', enable permissions, select the 'Folder' where you need the uploaded content to be, and click 'Save'.
Step 6:
Once you select a folder you will be redirected to a page with the list of uploaded content in that folder.
Step 7:
Step 8:
Once you select the Move to folder option, you'll get a popup with the list of available folders.
Choose the folder to which you need to move the content and click 'Save'.
You can also create a new folder by clicking the '+New Folder' option on the popup. In this example, we are moving the content to the folder, 'Artificial Intelligence (AI)'.