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Recording Notification and Webhook

6 mins read

Virtual Classroom API customers can set up an email notification template to notify when the recording is available and enable webhook to ping your website URL when the recorded file becomes available. This feature is available in your API dashboard.


Once the recording is available, you may want to post-process this information at your end for analytics or dashboard data. For this specific reason, we've also introduced webhooks.

Step 1:

Navigate to the API dashboard.

Step 2:

Click on 'More' at the option of the domain which you had created before, and click on 'Recording notification'.

Step 3: 

Select the default tab 'Recording Webhook'. Now, type the target URL for receiving webhooks and save changes.

Note: Make sure that the URL you have set up is capable of receiving and parsing the posted parameters.
For example, PHP files may use filegetcontents('php://input'); to receive parameters posted.


Step 1:

Select the tab 'Notification' to set up your email notification template. Turn the slide to 'Yes' and save your changes. You can turn off email notifications anytime by turning it back to 'No' and 'Save' the changes.

Step 2:

When you edit the email template, you can see that your account email is populated as the default 'To' address. You can change this anytime to a different email address. The template can be easily customized with variables or input your custom text.

Recording webhooks lets you register a URL that we will notify you anytime a recorded video is available in your account. API endpoint automatically posts parameters such as '&roomId=123&recordId' as part of the URL so you can process this data further at your end.

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